Top 100 des sites français référencés sur Google News

The most visible medias on Google News

To open up new perspectives during this back-to-school season, we are pleased to share a top 100 barometer classifying the most visible french websites on Google News and social networks over the last three months (from June to August, 2017), covering all categories.

A rank based on an exclusive visibility score

The rank is automatically generated trough the « Top Sources » report, based on Ozae GNews score. It measures the visibility of a cluster, a source or an article in Google News results, depending on as well the display position and length as the time, to provide real-time results.

A disparate visibility on Google News vs social networks

The study also includes the number of articles listed on Google News homepage and the websites’ visibility on social networks, to compare their presence on different platforms.

Thus, the Social Score materializes the spread of a news on social networks, combining the interactions (likes, comments, shares).

Here are the survey results :

Google News RankWebsite Domain NameGoogle News Score# Articles Google News Rank# Articles Google NewsSocial RankSocial Score 
1lefigaro.fr164,95 M88 74977,02 M
2lemonde.fr103,68 M193 23958,32 M
3lepoint.fr87,02 M105 922113,40 M
4francetvinfo.fr86,60 M97 59167,63 M
5leparisien.fr66,73 M124 829215,07 M
620minutes.fr66,41 M144 718311,02 M
7lexpress.fr59,58 M115 629410,43 M
8lequipe.fr52,14 M183 265104,59 M
9bfmtv.com51,16 M134 773123,23 M
10ouest-france.fr48,95 M154 510171,73 M
11nouvelobs.com45,99 M223 074142,04 M
12liberation.fr35,90 M173 492191,18 M
13eurosport.fr26,42 M302 08924901 k
14europe1.fr25,87 M163 937181,35 M
15ladepeche.fr25,47 M262 30825776 k
16lesechos.fr22,16 M272 27626689 k
17lci.fr21,09 M203 11394,79 M
18rtl.fr18,60 M242 777132,16 M
19huffingtonpost.fr17,16 M322 034122,56 M
20ledauphine.com15,94 M312 06730622 k
21challenges.fr15,12 M252 39853213 k
22gala.fr12,97 M501 03342329 k
23zdnet.fr12,15 M6464917423 k
24latribune.fr12,08 M5778673127 k
2501net.com11,56 M9842331592 k
26boursorama.com11,44 M213 09817024 k
27melty.fr9,11 M6564311660 k
28rfi.fr8,31 M351 495151,88 M
29lejdd.fr8,11 M5872544321 k
30lavoixdunord.fr8,02 M331 96041344 k
31public.fr8,02 M519968795 k
32sudouest.fr7,95 M431 35723962 k
33footmercato.net7,76 M341 53086,32 M
34pourquoidocteur.fr7,75 M7756315828 k
35phonandroid.com7,71 M6266478113 k
36purepeople.com7,60 M5486845305 k
37parismatch.com7,53 M491 08828656 k
38le10sport.com7,34 M282 23717721 k
39sciencesetavenir.fr6,28 M9344634434 k
40sports.fr5,84 M232 81632475 k
41fredzone.org5,54 M10140423911 k
42lesnumeriques.com5,15 M14822119019 k
43boursier.com4,77 M391 4294252 414
44frandroid.com4,73 M11135514434 k
45voici.fr4,72 M5680358182 k
46la-croix.com4,59 M292 21512453 k
47francebleu.fr4,43 M401 421201,17 M
48letelegramme.fr4,42 M371 45863164 k
49telestar.fr4,40 M5584760173 k
50cnetfrance.fr4,33 M1133503046 161
51clubic.com4,27 M14422622114 k
52lalibre.be4,19 M7955613145 k
53leprogres.fr4,10 M421 37156197 k
54programme-tv.net4,05 M7856265160 k
55femmeactuelle.fr4,02 M8153110272 k
56topsante.com3,93 M15021617821 k
57nicematin.com3,86 M7062237418 k
58closermag.fr3,71 M441 19348251 k
59sudinfo.be3,58 M6664272130 k
60francesoir.fr3,50 M5294615629 k
61lesoir.be3,38 M7556711262 k
62zonebourse.com3,37 M411 420710318
63jeuxactu.com3,26 M17017811165 k
64journaldugeek.com3,09 M13824310965 k
65allocine.fr3,07 M13027369142 k
66begeek.fr2,91 M1422272569 807
67atlantico.fr2,87 M7259784100 k
68france24.com2,86 M60674221,04 M
69slate.fr2,70 M14023761172 k
70telerama.fr2,69 M18515062166 k
71meltystyle.fr2,68 M122309555920
72goal.com2,68 M53889161,87 M
737sur7.be2,34 M8550713739 k
74yahoo.com2,30 M361 47411856 k
75marianne.net2,29 M12927727673 k
76lanouvellerepublique.fr2,29 M5967513344 k
77dhnet.be2,25 M10538111560 k
78rtl.be2,16 M6166752214 k
79rtbf.be2,14 M904609781 k
80gamekult.com2,12 M20013221315 k
81programme-television.org2,08 M11634121215 k
82santemagazine.fr2,02 M23310425010 k
83linternaute.com2,02 M8352917124 k
84football365.fr1,99 M1312633056 156
85presse-citron.net1,96 M1751712688 640
86estrepublicain.fr1,94 M7358176119 k
87rugbyrama.fr1,89 M20812411065 k
88ozap.com1,87 M11932512552 k
89numerama.com1,85 M10837220617 k
90lalsace.fr1,76 M696309683 k
91maxifoot.fr1,72 M451 18612154 k
92midilibre.fr1,72 M11036747262 k
93radio-canada.ca1,69 M7457311460 k
94butfootballclub.fr1,61 M461 18154211 k
95orange.fr1,54 M381 43814038 k
9624matins.fr1,47 M9942266151 k
97tf1.fr1,43 M9145036424 k
98jeuxvideo.com1,38 M1332588989 k
99nextinpact.com1,38 M1691802877 118
100p-nintendo.com1,36 M2171165351 042

*M= millions, K= thousands

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2017 Top 100 websites on Google News – France

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