Top 100 des sites visibles sur Google News - allemagne

The most visible medias on Google News

To open up new perspectives during this back-to-school season, we are pleased to share a top 100 barometer classifying the most visible German websites on Google News and social networks over the last three months (from June to August, 2017), covering all categories.

A rank based on an exclusive visibility score

The rank is automatically generated trough the « Top Sources » report, based on Ozae GNews score. It measures the visibility of a cluster, a source or an article in Google News results, depending on as well the display position and length as the time, to provide real-time results.

A disparate visibility on Google News vs social networks

The study also includes the number of articles listed on Google News homepage and the websites’ visibility on social networks, to compare their presence on different platforms.

Thus, the Social Score materializes the spread of a news on social networks, combining the interactions (likes, comments, shares).

Here are the survey results :

Google News RankWebsite Domain NameGoogle News Score# Articles Google News Rank# Articles Google NewsSocial RankSocial Score
1focus.de179,99 M210 19933,89 M
2welt.de169,13 M111 13124,45 M
3spiegel.de133,99 M123 91143,18 M
4bild.de88,40 M65 93115,52 M
5faz.net86,91 M46 8128901 k
6sueddeutsche.de84,98 M36 91461,14 M
7zeit.de65,81 M84 5897941 k
8t-online.de53,87 M56 57221281 k
9augsburger-allgemeine.de35,66 M75 0267454 k
10heilpraxisnet.de32,07 M152 5821539 980
11tagesspiegel.de27,94 M162 45518342 k
12n-tv.de27,32 M94 16811782 k
13chip.de26,53 M351 0438443 k
14rp-online.de26,34 M104 02820283 k
15handelsblatt.com23,64 M142 6035279 k
16stern.de21,35 M133 15812678 k
17tagesschau.de19,96 M251 36613538 k
18sport1.de18,55 M201 69151,44 M
19gala.de17,78 M171 82336127 k
20heise.de11,76 M527304694 k
21derwesten.de11,05 M191 77815427 k
22kicker.de10,61 M321 13616414 k
23tz.de10,21 M24138724260 k
24golem.de9,36 M1004089138 k
25deutschlandfunk.de8,36 M1139168541 k
26finanzen.net8,36 M181 7832273 413
27netzwelt.de8,26 M815252432 964
28express.de7,17 M261 34530177 k
29ksta.de6,91 M2116604499 k
30pcgames.de6,77 M9841712817 k
31computerbild.de6,64 M10437313515 k
32gamestar.de6,22 M994095084 k
33giga.de6,03 M725638245 k
34huffingtonpost.de5,68 M29120014507 k
35manager-magazin.de5,37 M9145113116 k
36transfermarkt.de5,32 M4479010856 k
37mdr.de5,32 M428494596 k
38bunte.de5,20 M4576923273 k
39motorsport-total.com5,10 M1442114988 k
40stuttgarter-nachrichten.de5,10 M221 4625968 k
41pcgameshardware.de5,05 M10635511125 k
42dw.com4,67 M2314107354 k
43sportschau.de4,37 M1073517255 k
44ndr.de4,05 M507476462 k
45abendzeitung-muenchen.de3,94 M31114634144 k
46berliner-zeitung.de3,81 M281 22143104 k
47zdnet.de3,72 M1591813061 313
48promiflash.de3,67 M4975117396 k
49mopo.de3,52 M379895870 k
50vip.de3,40 M4383933147 k
51fnp.de3,27 M33108610260
52ok-magazin.de3,24 M864971568 801
53winfuture.de3,19 M1083461608 484
54br.de3,05 M467555184 k
55merkur.de2,94 M418635475 k
56morgenpost.de2,90 M3898510032 k
57derstandard.at2,90 M2712256366 k
58filmstarts.de2,80 M1751543201 140
59shz.de2,67 M3011847552 k
60spox.com2,50 M4875339120 k
61rtl.de2,47 M755579900 k
62goal.com2,44 M6362342109 k
63pcwelt.de2,44 M13523710929 k
64ruhrnachrichten.de2,39 M6461610260
65mein-mmo.de2,35 M15219210331 k
66fr.de2,32 M3610341866 227
67mz-web.de2,24 M537247849 k
68areamobile.de2,16 M1402202263 482
694players.de2,10 M158182372603
70wiwo.de2,09 M785331637 828
71noz.de1,92 M576955771 k
72auto-motor-und-sport.de1,86 M1781496067 k
73wunderweib.de1,75 M8053231173 k
74presseportal.de1,73 M6262812619 k
75general-anzeiger-bonn.de1,73 M6758513415 k
76curved.de1,71 M249811915 812
77playm.de1,70 M1192843251 114
78abendblatt.de1,68 M5174014711 k
79nwzonline.de1,67 M557068740 k
80swp.de1,66 M715641846 340
81bz-berlin.de1,66 M6659727236 k
82maz-online.de1,60 M835156167 k
83notebookcheck.com1,58 M1272562741 977
84dwdl.de1,49 M16117211324 k
85tag24.de1,44 M6065622274 k
86inside-handy.de1,43 M2131063151 168
87swr.de1,41 M7754338121 k
88kurier.at1,40 M656048145 k
89rundschau-online.de1,40 M934441667 661
90finanznachrichten.de1,35 M56696435314
91haz.de1,34 M7655610829 k
92berliner-kurier.de1,33 M745586958 k
93schwaebische.de1,32 M3410552024 797
94badische-zeitung.de1,30 M8450213913 k
95svz.de1,22 M874899834 k
96sz-online.de1,21 M1113251786 900
97computerhilfen.de1,20 M21899452261
98hna.de1,19 M13623512320 k
99t3n.de1,18 M16816011921 k
100rbb-online.de1,17 M1372327651 k

*M= millions, K= thousands

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Discover the 2015 Top 10.[:fr]

2017 Top 100 websites on Google News – Germany

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