Top 100 des sites visibles sur Google News - Italie

The most visible medias on Google News

To open up new perspectives during this back-to-school season, we are pleased to share a top 100 barometer classifying the most visible Italian websites on Google News and social networks over the last three months (from June to August, 2017), covering all categories.

A rank based on an exclusive visibility score

The rank is automatically generated trough the « Top Sources » report, based on Ozae GNews score. It measures the visibility of a cluster, a source or an article in Google News results, depending on as well the display position and length as the time, to provide real-time results.

A disparate visibility on Google News vs social networks

The study also includes the number of articles listed on Google News homepage and the websites’ visibility on social networks, to compare their presence on different platforms.

Thus, the Social Score materializes the spread of a news on social networks, combining the interactions (likes, comments, shares).

Here are the survey results :

Google News RankWebsite Domain NameGoogle News Score# Articles Google News Rank# Articles Google NewsSocial RankSocial Score
1repubblica.it226,70 M25 287116,99 M
2corriere.it107,56 M63 84835,19 M
3mediaset.it88,24 M44 61027,05 M
4ilmessaggero.it64,92 M54 25043,10 M
5blastingnews.com63,50 M16 30121597 k
6ansa.it49,13 M34 88862,92 M
7ilsole24ore.com48,50 M103 13018698 k
8lastampa.it47,12 M93 51753,02 M
9gazzetta.it42,06 M261 65472,79 M
10ilfattoquotidiano.it40,63 M152 25492,32 M
11ilgiornale.it38,86 M83 544101,65 M
12huffingtonpost.it37,67 M271 61582,33 M
13ilsussidiario.net35,38 M73 72014732 k
14rainews.it26,40 M132 74923414 k
15ilsecoloxix.it17,93 M301 53835266 k
16corrieredellosport.it16,49 M142 31225367 k
17affaritaliani.it15,85 M172 09160126 k
18tuttosport.com15,48 M201 931131,30 M
19newsitaliane.it14,66 M6469024600
20leggo.it12,69 M162 13817747 k
21gelocal.it12,54 M331 42919649 k
22kataweb.it10,15 M1024318079 k
23webnews.it10,06 M8153127111 k
24milanofinanza.it9,78 M5282121618 k
25tomshw.it8,89 M9944436256 k
26ilpost.it8,67 M4790824396 k
27calciomercato.com8,60 M36131668109 k
28agi.it8,47 M4887762123 k
29today.it8,32 M32151720629 k
30tuttomercatoweb.com8,13 M112 9168275 k
31ilmattino.it7,86 M191963121,51 M
32tiscali.it7,61 M341 38430308 k
33quotidiano.net7,33 M181 99050190 k
34fanpage.it7,31 M122778111,64 M
35adnkronos.com7,31 M31153632285 k
36wired.it7,23 M11539967111 k
37hdblog.it6,76 M508508178 k
38centrometeoitaliano.it6,72 M626959862 k
39prealpina.it6,60 M2516965771 996
40vanityfair.it6,14 M83528151,10 M
41hwupgrade.it6,09 M12935918024 k
42iltempo.it6,06 M736069067 k
43goal.com5,98 M221 86426331 k
44everyeye.it5,84 M5182712839 k
45ilgazzettino.it5,67 M38124233277 k
46leonardo.it5,32 M391 2173208 342
47investireoggi.it5,28 M4691524414 k
48tecnoandroid.it5,06 M6170516826 k
49diariodelweb.it4,71 M7062464116 k
50avvenire.it4,60 M8452739236 k
51fidelityhouse.eu4,60 M547957491 k
52meteoweb.eu4,41 M41110752183 k
53ilgiorno.it4,38 M8551510850 k
54businessonline.it4,36 M1502921000369
55superscommesse.it4,27 M37125318722 k
56intelligonews.it3,87 M42108516726 k
57focustech.it3,77 M874953894 982
58improntaunika.it3,75 M1462975562 147
59larena.it3,73 M2118657589 k
60keyforweb.it3,71 M626953934 865
61optimaitalia.com3,60 M5774312539 k
62eurosport.com3,58 M351 32253178 k
63macitynet.it3,50 M10542615629 k
64gds.it3,46 M6863856142 k
65puntocellulare.it3,46 M190216854612
66androidworld.it3,35 M11440116328 k
67lapresse.it3,30 M2915462969 342
68sky.it3,25 M28157116803 k
69blitzquotidiano.it3,18 M2317968869 k
70ilrestodelcarlino.it3,09 M11838744215 k
71laleggepertutti.it2,93 M2061998967 k
72unionesarda.it2,74 M40121422421 k
73livesicilia.it2,63 M13332510256 k
74tuttoandroid.net2,62 M6567710751 k
75badtaste.it2,56 M21618414134 k
76pianetacellulare.it2,49 M1134056441 481
77spaziogames.it2,48 M10842016129 k
78lanazione.it2,35 M13232955148 k
79liberoquotidiano.it2,33 M49872141,22 M
80dday.it2,28 M20320310949 k
81quotidianosanita.it2,16 M22317010552 k
82secoloditalia.it2,13 M775849266 k
83iphoneitalia.com2,11 M17523725413 k
84webtrek.it2,05 M944604313 931
85ilfoglio.it2,01 M795457297 k
86eurogamer.it1,92 M12736014632 k
87trend-online.com1,89 M68638848622
88comingsoon.it1,84 M15228817724 k
89giornaledibrescia.it1,83 M15228837254 k
90motorionline.com1,74 M11938510355 k
91firstonline.info1,73 M1004374882 996
92gossipetv.com1,70 M4493441227 k
93ilvelino.it1,67 M934615622 091
94wallstreetitalia.com1,65 M13731323715 k
95corriereadriatico.it1,61 M10343017625 k
96bergamonews.it1,58 M1932157681 k
97tvblog.it1,51 M19021621518 k
98greenme.it1,50 M3658518323 k
99lettera43.it1,45 M6667415530 k
100quifinanza.it1,42 M14629713337 k

*M= millions, K= thousands

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Discover the 2015 Top 10.

2017 Top 100 websites on Google News – Italy

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